Thursday, August 29, 2013

Colossians 1:15-20 by Seth Dunn

A&E’s Duck Dynasty, a reality show, is currently one of the highest rated programs on television (of any type).   On February 27, 2013, its season three premier drew 8.6 million viewers.   This was a record for an A&E show, though the ratings were hardly a surprise.  Despite the show’s formulaic format, Duck Dynasty’s popularity has only risen since its debut in in March of 2012.  Its soaring popularity is due mostly to viewer interest in the show’s colorful “cast” of “characters” from the Robertson Family, owners of the Duck Commander brand and subjects of the show.

One of these characters is family patriarch, Phil Robertson.  Almost every show ends with Phil asking a blessing over a family meal.  In his prayer, Phil usually utters the words, “Thank you Lord for another day on planet Earth.”  People unfamiliar with the New Testament might hear these words and think little if anything about them.  After all, what is so special about another day on planet Earth that God should be specifically thanked for it?  Phil is a millionaire with a large family and he’s thanking God for just another day?!?!  Surely waking up, going about one’s day, and eating one’s dinner isn’t anything special.  It happens every day.  It’s not a miracle, it is?

It is a miracle.  Phil’s prayer exhibits an understanding of a deep theological truth.  All things hold together in Christ.  (Colossians 1:17).  Every second of every day, Christ is sustaining existence itself.  Every day on planet Earth is a gift of God to be appreciated.   All things were created through Christ (John 1:3) and it is He whole perpetuates our existence.  We should thank God every day for that.

Dear God, thank you for Jesus and another day on planet Earth.

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