Wednesday, April 10, 2013

John 14:13-14 by Brandi Peters

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. -John 14:13-14 

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” -Matthew 21:21-22 

I’m tired of the “Name it and claim it” gospel. This label is used loosely as it is really no gospel at all. The first time I heard “You would be healed if you had enough faith” was one time too many. The truth is one’s state of health or wealth is not a measure of his devotion to Christ. If it were, every celebrity in Hollywood would be a Christian superstar. 

We misconstrue Jesus’ intent when we read these as blanket promises. He didn’t mean anything we ask at all. He meant anything we ask in His name that aligns with His will, not anything we ask even in His name for our own sake. 

Now, why does it please Him to heal some and not others? I wish I could answer that. I wrestle with it in my own life and the lives of those closest to me. We have asked something good with right motive. We have sought Him with pure heart. Still, the healing does not come. The condition persists. Sometimes, it worsens. 

This is the point where this “gospel” falls short. If we were truly healed from all infirmity because of Christ and our power as Christians, we would not suffer the ultimate infirmity in death. But Christ never promised physical healing in this life. In fact, He makes perfectly clear that the Father “sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45).” He is sovereign and has the big picture in mind. He does not delight in our suffering or wish it upon us, but He will continue to use us if we draw near to Him. He will weave a tapestry from the tangled and broken strands of our lives. We have to trust, even in the darkest of nights, that He is good, just, and still in control. 

Lord, we need You. Every day. You tell us Your power is made perfect in weakness. Well, weakness we have. Shine in the midst of us and give us strength to remember who You are, the God that will dry all tears and right all wrongs when it is time. Thank you that as Your children we have that promise to look forward to. Comfort us in our struggles. Allow us to feel Your presence that we may persevere for Your namesake. Amen.

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